Full Breed Profiles are done on all of our Dogs using Orivet and collection is done via our Vet.
The common Genetic diseases are PRA & FN. We are also in the process of testing our dogs for AON via OFA.org
Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA)
PRA is an inherited disease of the retina in dogs, in which the eyes are genetically programmed to go blind.
This disease can be avoided with the use of DNA testing. Both parents are tested and at least one is clear. In our case all of our males are clear so there is no chance of any of our pups being affected by this disease.
Carriers can only produce affected pups if both parents are carriers or one parent is affected and the other is a carrier. There is no issue with buying a pup who may be a carrier. This will in no way affect the health of the dog.
PRA will generally have an onset at 4-7 years of age. The dog will develop night blindness and will eventually become completely blind. It is not painful and most dogs usually cope well if kept in the same environment with the same routine.
Familial Nephropathy (FN) or AHRN (Autosomal Hereditary Recessive Nephropathy).
This disease is rare but there are carriers in Australia. As with PRA, all of our parents are tested for FN, and at least one parent is clear.
There is no treatment for this genetic condition. Puppies typically die in their first year, and up to two years of age.
Adult Onset Neuropathy (AON)
AON is an inherited neurological disorder characterised by a weakness in the hind limbs, eventually leading to weakness in the front limbs. Neurological signs of this condition seem to progress gradually over 3 to 4 years.
Clinical signs usually begin between 7 and a half to 9 years of age. These signs include weakening and unsteady hind limbs and uncoordinated movement. The weakness eventually progresses to include the front limbs. When all limbs are affected, there may also be difficulty in swallowing.
The disease is described as an autosomal recessive condition and is unique to Cocker Spaniels. This means that a dog must inherit two copies of an abnormal gene (one from its mother and one from its father) before its health is affected. A dog that inherits only one copy of the abnormal gene (from its mother or its father) will have no signs of the disease, but will be a carrier and may pass the gene on to any offspring.